
Its safe and effective There are no significant side effects when taken in appropriate dosage.
Scalptone-hair-care-tablets-benefits. 4 tablets 4 to 6 times in a day for adults. SBL Scalptone Tablets is indicated to checks falling of hair premature graying and dandruff strengthens the roots of hair. Scalptone tablets is a homeopathic preparation that helps to forestall hair loss.
SBL Homeopathy Scalptone Tablets treats not only hair loss and premature greying it is also used for any other kind of disease of the scalp such as dandruff eczema or psoriasis. It removes dandruff and itching of the scalp in a natural way without any side-effects. Nixocid tablets for acidity flatulence.
Designed to stimulate hair growth enhance hair strength and increase hair volume. It helps in improving the circulation and helps in the absorption of minerals required for the growth of hair. It also helps in strengthening the roots of hair and prevent hair fall.
It helps to make hair shine. Acidum fluoricum 6x Acidum phosphoricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 3x Calcarea. In homeopathy man as whole is considered.
Find Everything To Fuel Your Health At Biovea. Scalptone is the sensible treatment for scalp to stay healthy and provides an ideal environment for the hair producing tissues that are found there in profusion. Thining and splitting of hair.
It keeps the scalp healthy and well cared for hair growth. SBL scalp tone tablets are very useful for the treatment of itching scalp and hair fall. Promotes lustre to hair.